Parking in Levi
Free parking:
Zero Point parking - Address: Hissitie 8 (3 accessible parking spaces)
Ylä-Levi parking - Address: Laaksotie
Paid parking:
Toriparkki (Break Sokos Hotel Levi) - Address: Tähtitie 5
Levi Hotel Spa - Address: Levintie 1590
South Point Levi - Address: Tievantie 2 (3 accessible parking spaces)
Draivi - Address: Golfväylä 9 (1 accessible parking spaces)
Gondoli2000 - Address: Gondolitie 1 (3 accessible parking spaces)
West Point - Address: Tievankieppi 15
Levijärvi parking - Järvirovantie 1
Kaakkoisrinteentie parking
Levin ympärystie 933
Ounasjoentie 287
K-Supermarket LeviMarket, S-Market and PoronPortti parking are reserved for the customers. Be aware to use the parking disk if requested!
Electric car charging points
Levi has six electric car charging points that are in general use. Charging points can be found from the hotels as well as the front slopes parking lot. Kittilä has also three charging points for general use.
Electric car charging points Levi:
Lapland Hotel Sirkantähti (Levintie 1630)
Levi Hotel Spa Resort (Levintie 1590)
Hotel Hullu Poro (Rakkavaarantie 5) HPC
Break Sokos Hotel Levi (Tähtitie 5)
S-market Levi (Leviraitti 18) HPC
Zero Point (Hissitie 8) HPC
Hotel Levi Panorama (Tunturitie 205)
Gondola2000 / Activity Park (Gondolitie 1) HPC
Electric car charging points Kittilä:
Tokmanni (Aakenuksentie 30)
Kittilä Airport (Levintie 259)
Hotel Kittilä (Valtatie 49)
Neste Kittilä (Valtatie 1) HPC
K-supermarket Kittilä (Valtatie 27-29) HPC
You can check the charging points on a map at