Levi Ski Resort's Corporate Responsibility Program | Levi
Samuel Taipale 2018

Corporate Responsibility Program

Responsibility program

Tourism in Lapland is founded on nature. This makes it absolutely vital to consider the environment in every travel-related development decision that is made in the area. At Levi Ski Resort, our operations include year-round travel and activity services on the slopes, as well as various support services – all of it in a sustainable manner. As a recognition of our systematic work to preserve the arctic nature, Levi Ski Resort's environmental system has been awarded the international ISO 14001 environment certification in 2018 as the first ski resort in the Nordic countries. In August 2020, Levi Ski Resort was granted the Sustainable Travel Finland label. We are aware of the principles of sustainable tourism and we promote the realization of common goals.

lsr säilölumi

Ecological responsibility

Considering environment and being a pioneer of the field are our strategic choices and objectives we constantly pursue. We respect and foster our arctic operational environment. We are committed to protect the environment and acknowledge the major environmental factors in our operations: electricity, fuel and water consumption, waste management, reuse and recycling, and protecting biodiversity. We have set goals for our environmental work and monitor our environmental performance, pursue set goals through our environmental program. The program is based on constant improvement. Goals are overseen and revised as part of company’s strategic planning. Environment is one of our company values. ISO 14001 standard is a guideline for our environmental work.

We have been involved as a cooperative company in the To Be Low Carbon project coordinated by Metsähallitus (State-owned forestry company). The project has implemented an ISO14069 verified carbon footprint calculation of our company's operations, and based on the calculation, an action plan to reduce the carbon footprint until 2030. We are also committed to SHKY's climate goals and the Glasgow Climate Declaration. Our environmental work can be found in more detail in our blog series.

When building, our goal is to use as few new areas of the fell as possible. We are constantly restoring and landscaping the fell area, respecting the diversity of the local nature, landscape and culture. With these actions, we also prevent erosion of slope areas.

We encourage our customers to keep the local nature vibrant, and there are more than 30 waste sorting points in our fell area. Take part in environmental work with your own contribution - respect Lapland's beautiful fell nature!

lsr kesä levitunturi kätkältä retkeilijä

Financial responsibility creates the basis for sustainable business

Responsible operations start with effective cooperation: we identify our stakeholders and take good care of stakeholder cooperation. We are actively participating in Levi Sustainability Program. We are particularly proud of our strong customer loyalty, which is the result of the joint long-term development work in the Levi tourism area.

Locality is important to us. We are a significant employer and taxpayer in Kittilä. We employ around 100 employees year-round in permanent employment relationships, and in peak seasons the number of personnel increases to over 300 employees. We want to increase the municipality's vitality and support local employment. We offer local people, Kittilä schools, associations and clubs support and cooperation opportunities.

We bear our financial responsibility by constantly investing in the development of the Levi area. Since 2007, Levi Ski Resort has invested around €70M in the development of slope and service infrastructure. The investments we make positively affect the attraction of the Tourism Area and the opportunities for business development in Levi. A significant part of the company's profit is used for investments. Oy Levi Ski Resort Ltd group's total turnover was 28.4M € (2021-2022). We aim for an operating profit of more than 15%.

In investment planning, we consider the various aspects of responsibility; particularly important for us is to consider the ecological point of view in the fells. Our main principles are to use the best possible available technology and the best possible actors in their field as partners, in which case we also ensure that our supply chains and the life cycle perspective are taken into account in all operations. The value of the next five-year investment plan is 35M €.

Our strengths:

  • Compliance with statutory obligations and voluntary agreements
  • Planning on long term, being persistent, professionalism
  • Business environment knowledge
  • Industry knowledge and stakeholder cooperation
  • Strong links to local life; employer, enabler, supporter

Get to know the 8 most impactful areas of our environmental work