Levi Ski Resort’s Values, vision and strategy | Levi
lsr santas cabin

Values, vision and strategy

Values, vision and strategy

We invest in customer satisfaction and customer-oriented services.. The services we produce are safe and environmentally friendly. We measure customer satisfaction and develop our services and operations based on the feedback.

All of our business operations are run in accordance with our values: Customer, Safety, Pioneer and Environment.

We train and require our personnel to perform their work in accordance with the company values and rules of conduct. We invest in the wellbeing of our personnel and develop their professionalism and skillset based on employee satisfaction surveys and development discussions.

We are results-oriented in all of our operations, reflected by the continuous development of our products and services. In everything we do, we want to be a pioneer who finds solutions to new challenges quickly and efficiently.

The company's management team and other key responsible persons are dedicated to developing our operations in accordance with our ISO-certified quality management system. 

LSR values