Taiteilijayhdistys Hiljaisuus

Taiteilijayhdistys Hiljaisuus

The Silence residency is an international multidisciplinary residency for artists focusing on performing arts.

The Silence residency began operating in 2015, and back then it primarily enabled the artistic work of the artists and teams chosen to perform in the Silence festival. In 2016, the association rented the Kaukonen community hall from Pohjanpalo organisation for 10 years. Since then, the community hall has been the focus of residency operations. A project to develop the residency operations was commenced in 2017 and it will continue until the end of 2018. During this project, experiences on the functionality of the residence will be collected, and the space will be renovated to better meet the needs of artistic work. During the development project, residency is offered to artists free of charge.