It's easy to be a responsible traveler
Here's what to do!
Water – Please enjoy our tap water, the purest in the world. There is no need to buy water bottles.
Electricity – Go to the sauna as it's warm (60-80 degrees Celsius) and switch off the sauna stove when you are done. keep the room temperature at 20 degrees Celsius.
Peace – Respect your neighbor's peace and quiet especially from 10 pm to 7 am. When admiring the Northern Lights, respect the privacy of the locals and don't trespass on their yards.
Waste – Respect nature and collect your trash. Always. Collect your pet's droppings, too. Sort your waste whenever possible.
Nature – Use only the marked routes for hiking and other activities. use firewood sparingly. Carry a trash bag with you in the wild so that you can also collect trash that others may have left behind.