Almost 100 men are competing in Levi for the slalom points of the Alpine skiing Europa Cup
Next weekend, March 10-11, 2023, men are competing for the Europa cup slalom points in Levi in wonderful conditions. The last time the Europa Cup was skied in Levi was in 2018.
- The participant list for this year's Levi Europa Cup is very international and we will see skiers from 18 different countries. There are several skiers who have also been successful at the World Cup level, says Chief of race Jaana Karhila.
The teams have been training in Levi for more than a week at the Alpine Training Park and the G.2 competition slope, which was injected last Saturday for the competition.
- The feedback from the teams about the training conditions has been nothing but positive. The surface of the slope has been really good on both slopes, and many have wondered why the men's World Cup competition is not held here, says Levi World Cup Training Center coordinator Jukka Leino.
Levi's excellent training and competition conditions are known to gather alpine skiers to the fells, currently for eight months of the year.
- There has been great interest towards the new glacier at Front Slope, especially from the Norwegian and Swedish teams. We are able to offer good training conditions on the Front Slopes glacier from the beginning of October for teams from all over the world. The training season here at Levi is long, the last days of training during the previous spring were on May 12th, Jukka Leino recalls.
The weather forecast for the weekend promises sunny weather, and a bit of frost during the night, which will condense during the day. The slopes remain in very good condition with these forecasts. The public can enjoy skilled slalom skiing in a spring atmosphere and entry is free for the spectators.
Finnish men competing in Levi: Jesperi Pohjolainen, Salomo Sirviö, Jaakko Tapanainen, Turo Torvinen, Eduard Hallberg, Erik Saravuo, Jesperi Kemppainen, Emil Keränen, Joel Palosaari, and Oskari Sulkakoski.
During the spring, there are still upcoming competitions in Levi, e.g. Fearless Finns Freeski Tour finals 14.-16.4. as well as the Nordic championships of mogul skiing 20.-23.4. You can find all the competitions held in Levi at www.levi.fi/en/events.
Marko Mustonen, Commercial Director, Oy Levi Ski Resort Ltd, email marko.mustonen@levi.fi
Levi Ski Resort Ltd is one of the Nordics’ most popular ski resorts and Finland’s leading year-round activity resort. Levi Ski Resort’s success is built on the resort’s professional staff, advanced technological capabilities and the annual Alpine World Cup races. Levi Ski Resort’s business operations focus on the sales of ski lift passes, ski school courses, equipment rentals and the sales of quality outdoor clothing via the resort’s own stores.
In addition, the affiliated company Levi Restaurants Ltd offers on-piste restaurant services. Levi Restaurants Ltd is part of the Levi Ski Resort Group. Levi Ski Resort has committed to the ISO 14001 environmental system as the first ski resort in the Nordic countries. Respect and care for the arctic environment form the core of the company’s values.