Get inspired of freeriding at the Levi fell!
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Get inspired of freeriding at the Levi fell!

Interest in freeriding has grown greatly recently and Levi has also invested in this growing area of interest. In all its beauty, freeriding is an invigorating and wonderful experience that comes when the skier/snowboarder knows what he/she is doing, where he/she is going and safety has been taken into account.

Levi Ski School offers ski touring trips during the spring season for skiers who are interested in ski touring and freeriding. Learn the basics of the freeriding world with; going uphill using climbing skins, getting to know the equipment and snow safety equipment, practicing freeriding techniques, and enjoying the fresh air together in a fun group.

Levi's freeride area is located on the Northeast Slopes. Slope 5.3 is a new, exciting "ungroomed freeride slope." The area opens for the ski holidays, as long as the snow situation and conditions allow. In the FreeSki area, it is possible to do so-called lift accessible freeriding; take the T-bar nro 5 up and come down on the FreeSki area. Levi Ski Resort offers five different skinning routes. The R.3 route near the Koillisrinteet slopes is open and available for use 24/7.

The different lessons of the ski school are also a good place to improve your skills. You can get much more out of freeriding when you have the proper skill level for skiing/snowboarding.

The ski resort also has a beacon training field on the Front Slopes where rescue search is practiced. The beacon training field is mainly intended for the own training purposes of Levi Ski Resort, Levi Snow Sport Academy and the Volunteer Fire Department, but customers can also test the rescue search, e.g. with Ape’s freeriding courses and Levi Ski School courses.

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Levi and Western Lapland are a great place to start freeriding safely in the form of various
courses and excursions, as freeriding requires knowledge and skill. When heading into the backcountry terrain, it should be remembered that outside the slopes, the skier/snowboarder always moves at his/hers own risk. Snow safety forecasts should be checked before heading to the backcountry. You can check the snow safety situation and avalanche danger forecast from the local ski school or Ski Patrols, and you can check the avalanche estimate for the whole of Lapland on the website of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. In the rapidly changing weather of the fells, it is worth remembering to prepare for some sudden changes.

Levi Ski Resort's rental shops offer a great selection of free riding equipment for snowboarders, skiers and telemark skiers. You can also rent snow safety equipment from our rentals

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