Levi's new Glacier Express chairlift: "We are not on schedule, we are weeks ahead of schedule"
Levi Ski Resort Ltd's major development project, which includes the Levi Glacier Express chairlift and the reformation of the Front Slope profile for Finland's first glacier, are weeks ahead of schedule. The skilled employees of the Levi Ski Resort and the staff from Europe have speeded up the projects considerably.
The Levi Glacier Express chairlift is almost ready. Starting from November, it will transport 3,000 skiers per hour up to the fell with its maximum capacity. The construction of the chairlift accelerated as many projects in Europe were put on hold, so the factory has been able to meet the accelerated schedule.
- Due to construction and slope work, we did not store snow in the new area of the Front Slope, so during November, we will be able to make snow for the new area and for the new Glacier Express chairlift. The opening of the skiing and cross-country skiing season will be celebrated at Levi on October 7th, during the opening we have the Front Slope and the North chairlift in use, says Jouni Palosaari, CEO of Levi Ski Resort.
The new Glacier Express chairlift and glacier replaces the T-bar lifts nr 3, Marjalaki, and T-bar lift nr 2, Hemmo-lift. The last runs with the legendary T-bar lifts did on May 1st, 2022 at 18:58 Antti Lahdensuo.
- I wanted to be the last one on the Marjalaki and Hemmo T-bar lifts. A new chairlift is definitely necessary and it's great that the slope is also leveled. I was skiing in Levi for the first time in 1993 and since then we have visited Levi a couple of times a year. It's a great thing that the season starts already in October and ends around Mother's Day in May. We always take advantage of these last spring-winter skiing opportunities, says Antti Lahdensuo.
In addition to the new chairlift, to the delight of the skiers, the Font Slope is being profiled straight and, in the future, it will no longer lead lateral direction as before. It has been a massive construction site, as 20,000 cubic meters of soil have been brought to the slope, which is equivalent to around 2,000 truck loads. The glacier will officially open next year in September-October 2023.
- In previous winters, when the lifts opened in the morning, people went skiing elsewhere via Front Slope, however in the future, due to its wonderful profile, skiers will definitely stay and ski there. After we have done the snow on Front Slopes this year, part of the slope will remain permanently covered with snow and ice. In the future, thanks to the glacier, we will be able to offer alpine groups the opportunity to practice as early as September. We will be able to do even five slalom tracks next to each other on the glacier, and it will serve as a great training place for the early season. We are now challenging, for example, Saas-Fee and other traditional training places. In the future, you don’t no longer have to go to the south, instead, you can come train here in the north starting already from the beginning of the season.

Jouni Palosaari, CEO, Levi Ski Resort Ltd, email jouni.palosaari@levi.fi
Marko Mustonen, Commercial Director, Levi Ski Resort Ltd, email marko.mustonen@levi.fi
Levi Ski Resort Ltd is one of the Nordics’ most popular ski resorts and Finland’s leading year-round activity resort. Levi Ski Resort’s success is built on the resort’s professional staff, advanced technological capabilities and the annual Alpine World Cup races.
Levi Ski Resort’s business operations focus on the sales of ski lift passes, ski school courses, equipment rentals and the sales of quality outdoor clothing via the resort’s own stores. In addition, the affiliated company Levi Restaurants Ltd offers on-piste restaurant services. Levi Restaurants Ltd is part of the Levi Ski Resort Group. Levi Ski Resort has committed to the ISO 14001 environmental system as the first ski resort in the Nordic countries. Respect and care for the arctic environment form the core of the company’s values.